Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

We are launching a new package for our children's portrait sessions called "Kids Quotes". We do a one hour session with a bunch of outfit changes to start with. Then we send you home with a list of questions to ask your child. We then create a book from the photo session with a mixture of photos and funny sayings that your child says.

As an experiment, I asked my eight year old son a series of questions to get some funny quotes, but much to my dismay, he knew all the scientific answers to my questions. Despite his wisdom beyond his years, there were a few answers that kept me chuckling. For example, when asked where Jelly comes from, without missing a beat he responded, "Jelly Fish." When asked how lightning bugs glow, he responded, "When they toot their butts light up."

When my daughter Sarah was a toddler, she had her career path already picked out. She was determined to be a bull rider. We were watching it on TV one night and when one of the riders came out of the shoot on a very light tan bull, Sarah jumped up and exclaimed, "Hey, that man's riding a pig!"

Our Kids Quotes sessions will come with two options. The first includes the session and an 8x8 soft cover book for $225. The other option is with an 8x8 hard cover book with hinged pages for $275. Below are some photos of the two options with a session we've already done. To kick start these new sessions, we will be offering them at $25 off through the end of March.

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