Monday, April 14, 2008

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

I have been a member of the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep organization for a few years now. The concept is hard for some people to understand. Why would anyone want to photograph a baby that doesn't survive? The Today's show did a story on it and really expresses beautifully the reasons why someone would want to do this. Here is the video...


Anonymous said...

WOW!! What an awesome story. Thanks for posting that video. I have never heard of that organization but have had a family member that lost their first child and only have polaroids to remember her.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for posting the story! It has inspired me to become involved. What a beautiful gift to give parents, something they will cherish forever. I had a scare when my youngest was born two months early. Even though his prognosis was good it was an emotional roller coaster. He is now a beautiful healthy six year old. I can help but know how lucky I truly was. This is some of the most important work you do :) Thank you!

Steve Chesler said...

I know what you mean. I have a six year old as well, thankfully with no problems. After doing the shoots, I go home and give my kids that extra hug at night.
I can't say that it is a pleasure to do these shoots because of the painful situations the families are in, but it is a nice feeling to know how important the work is to the family.
Good luck with your involvment. It is a great organization to be a part of.


Anonymous said...

That's a great story! Every life (in and out of the womb), regardless of how short it may be is so important.

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